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When Are Broken Bones Signs of Nursing Home Abuse, Albuquerque?

As age advances, bones lose a lot of integrity and become subject to fracture. Some broken bones occur as a result of age, but others are a sign of nursing home abuse. How do you tell which is which? And what do you do if you suspect a loved one’s broken bones are the result of abusive staff or neglectful care? Hinkle Law Offices, LLC. can help.

What Broken Bones are Warning Signs?

broken bonesBones become fragile with the progression of age, and this means that stress and compression fractures are naturally occurring incidents. A stress fracture is caused by repetitive application of force, such as the bones in the feet being put under pressure by jogging or running. Compression fractures—also known as spontaneous fractures—occur without traumatic incidents. These are usually a result of poor bone density and a moment of stress.

Traumatic fractures are almost always due to a traumatic injury, such as a blow to the body or a fall. These are serious fractures, especially for the elderly. Hip fractures, for instance, can leave an elderly person bedridden and susceptible to infections like pneumonia. These can even lead to death. If a nursing home resident hasn’t been monitored for stress fractures or has fallen due to an unsafe environment, the nursing home can be held liable.

How Do I Handle Nursing Home Abuse?

If your elderly loved one has suffered broken bones and you suspect nursing home abuse, you don’t have to face it alone. Hinkle Law Offices, LLC. are available to help you gather the facts and determine the best course of legal action available. Doctors will be able to tell you what type of fracture has occurred, and we’ll be able to help you handle what those broken bones mean.

Contact us today if you suspect nursing home abuse has been the cause of your loved one’s broken bones and we’ll get started with a free case evaluation.

Don’t let nursing home abuse hurt your family! Call (505) TUF-HELP.

Hinkle Rides. Hinkle Knows.

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