When people think of car accidents, they usually imagine a head-on collision with two cars smashing into each other at high speeds. It’s common in the movies, but much less common during your daily commute. Head-on collisions do, however, happen. And when they do, the results can be devastating. If you’ve been involved in a head-on collision, Hinkle Law Offices, LLC. can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Rationally, anyone driving directly at another car would turn the wheel to avoid the collision. But head-on collisions occur when the drivers have noticed the oncoming car too late to react. Drifting into another lane is the leading cause of accidents in New Mexico, and how head-on collisions occur. The results are injuries, damaged vehicles and people who will need months to reclaim their quality of living.
When a head-on collision occurs, the costs can be extensive. Medical bills, car repairs, loss of wages from needing time off work to heal—all of these add up, and your savings account may not be able to cover the cost. Nor should it; why should you pay for someone else’s negligence?
If you or a loved one has been involved in a head-on collision, you need assistance. Hinkle Law Offices, LLC. can help you gather the information you need to get the compensation you deserve. We focus on the facts to ensure you have the strongest case available and we’ll fight for your legal rights. Contact us today and we’ll evaluate your case, free of charge, and help you choose the right option.